I try to leave off my Raymond stories on this blog and just put them on his totsites & baby book but since this one is a Christmas story - might as well put it here. as shown, I am keeping my blog "light" and not having a lot of deep posts right now..... but I am still journaling a lot and will have more thoughts to share after the New Year. Anyway, Raymond story and thoughts on parenting....
Raymond isn't that verbal yet but some days he must just wake up and say... today is a day I am going to talk. haha Today he been very talkative. He never talks (or does anything) on demand but if he wants to, he talks so much and those days are my favorite!
Because most days he doesn't do a lot of talking (I guess he's gonna be more like daddy than mommy) I don't really realize how much he listens and is absorbing. Many times I think he isn't paying attention --- but when he does eventually talk - I realize he is a total sponge! and he is always listening and watching!!
I've been trying to plant seeds about Jesus and the story of His birth. Any time I mention Christmas, I try to mention Jesus somewhere. When we talk about Jesus, I describe him as "savior"... telling him that baby Jesus grows up to be the savior of the world. I didn't really think that Raymond was getting the whole Jesus story or even really understood Jesus at all (even though we use his name in prayer with him at dinner & night)..... we do the advent calendar nativity scene in the morning each day - and we do talk about baby Jesus in the differnet decorations around the house.... but I didn't know if he was 'getting it'
but just now as I was putting him down for his nap - we were reading one of his Christmas books and one of the pictures was of Santa. and I said what does Santa bring!? I was thinking he would answer 'choo choo' since that is what he asked Santa for at Enchanted Airlie (he ran right into his lap and said choo choo pwwweeeeasseee)..... but he said, "he brings Jesus" and I just about lost it.
I don't know why that struck my heart so much but it just gave me so much joy that he was getting the link between Christmas & Jesus' birth and that we are celebrating Jesus birth-day and rejoicing because He's very very very very very special. I felt myself fill up with warmth and get all misty eyed :) what a special moment!
Thoughts on parenting:
I told myself that I would never by a mom/parent that always compared my children to others. I had a good friend growing up and his family was always doing that and it drove me bonkers. I don't want to ever catch myself saying, "oh well ____ already sings songs and knows the alphabet and bla bla bla" .... comparison is the root of all inferiority. I do not like comparison. All of us are so unique and different. We are all sinners but all have different unique special talents & skills. We are all loved equally by God and I truly do believe that we are all equal in His eyes. The majority of people really never do get that --- but that is a lesson I learned during childhood that I am a huge advocate for. I am not perfect in that area and I do compare people. I definitely make the mistake of valuing some over others.... but I know the truth. I am open to that truth.
Hand in hand with that comparison lesson is another lesson I really vowed to try to keep as a parent. and that is to not make others around me feel inferior as I 'brag' on Raymond. I want to uplift other's kids as much as my own. I love raymond so much and think he is the most special gift ever..... but I don't ever want to "use" him as a way to make myself feel better about myself... or make somebody feel worse. I guess you could call this -- comparing parenting skills. The whole --- look at what a better parent *I* am because my child does *this* - type attitude. So I pray that even in my raymond stories - I do not come across like that. I definitely do try to even limit the stories I tell about him though. I tell myself I am allowed to tell every THIRD story I want to about Raymond. :) If I told as many stories of him as I wanted - I could tell them 24 - 7 and nobody wants to be around that :)
I don't want to be prideful over him -- though I do want to be proud of him!! I do not want to project the image that Raymond is perfect.... that he NEVER sins, throws tantrums and is just PERFECT.... because he's not and
I am not embarassed of that all.....I am not embarassed of his imperfections. I'm proud of him - all parts of him and I love him - all parts of him - and I really do believe I'm doing the best I can to teach & guide him so that's all I can do! I don't want to compare my parenting to others and I never want to brag on him so much that it would make anybody else feel inferior.
**steps off soapbox **
So those are some 'things' about being a parent that even before I even became a parent knew I did NOT want to be like.... I am not perfect in these areas and need to work on it continually. but I know first-hand what parents who have these 2 qualities are like - and it's not fun or positive for anybody around them. not for their own kids, their fellow parenting peers, their kid's peers.

here's Raymond doing day 1 of the nativity scene advent calendar