Monday, February 26, 2007

A Sunny Monday! :)

It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood a beautiful day in the neigborhood. I can't express how much I love and need sunshine. I'm sure my mother and grandmother understand since they have the same sunshine-need as I do! The other day, I was just soo down and not feeling well and BLA and I was at work at Kohl's and text messaged Brandon and wrote, "I don't know what is wrong with me but I just feel so bla recently - I just feel down" and he always is the best comfort to me - he wrote me a beautiful email and one of the things he said was something like, "what do you expect, it's been gray and cold for a few days and now it's night time and it's dark out".

and I was like OH YEAH! That is what's wrong! I had been cooped up indoors without any sunshine! :) He knows me better than I know myself sometimes! What a great husband.

Raymond is napping right now and then we are headed to the beach! I don't know if we'll go on the beach or just walk the loop - we'll have to see how cold it is when we get down there. But I can't WAIT until it's warm enough to get Raymond in the water!! :) I can't wait to go swimming with my little man! :) Although I am terried to see myself in a bathing suit!!!! AHHHHH

Tomorrow I start work at Verizon - I just pray that this first week goes okay since the timing is weird - 10 until 2 I work so he'll be with the babysitter for quite a while - and since our babysitter can't do these times, I'm dropping him off at this girl Kristen's house. She is an experienced mom and babysitter so I'm sure they'll be fine - I'll just miss my little man! :) But I'm excited about the new opportunity and money! :)

1 comment:

  1. that sunshine is so true--have that extra warm for me--it was snowing again this morning
