Monday, March 26, 2007

Our First Little Home

Well we are closing on our first little home on April 13th!! It's a cute little townhome right on the outskirts of the City limits and we are sooo excited about it. It is in a brand new development - it will have sidewalks & a pool - 2 of the things I always said I wanted! :) It's a perfect start for us. We won't have to worry about the lawn and we LOVE NEW nice things - so it will be great! It will be finished being built really soon. We got to pick out the colors and everything - how exciting. We went there on Saturday.

It's small - but it's high quality inside - so we're happy with it! We'd rather start small high quality and then move our way up to bigger high quality! :) I LOVE that it has a screened porch - those Carolina breezes will feel so good back there! :)

I'm so scared for the move and the weeks after with the unpacking - and just kinda scared for all the changes, but God is so good and I know He'll be walking us through it all and as Brandon always tells me, "it will be okay" :)

It's an exciting time! Yet deep down - it is bittersweet knowing that I am now officially putting down some roots so far away from my family. We can always sell and move if we need to though!! We'll see where God takes us.

God is so good and we appreciate anything He gives!


  1. A new home is always so exciting but there is something extra special about your first home. Enjoy it, take it a little at a time and don't let Satan stress you out.

  2. Yes, enjoy your first home!
    We are moving soon too, May 1st.
    Happy for you!!!
