Saturday, December 22, 2007

I'm back!!

Well we had the best week with MomMom and Papa!!!! It really was one of the best (and fastest) visits yet!!

I am sorry that I haven't made comments on any blogs recently, that I haven't answered emails and that I even missed my dear friend Candy's birthday (you never told me your birthday was coming up!!!!!! What is the actual date!?!?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!)

I am soo thankful that Christmas is Tuesday, because this was the hardest goodbye yet with MomMom & Papa. It gives me something to look forward to - and some extra reflection/family time. To focus my attention on Christ, His love, the peace he brought/brings and our little family and forming our own traditions will be just what I needed. It was soo hard to say bye to my parents this time because..... well because it's hard every time! But also because we won't be up in New Jersey until March and I just am homesick -- this is the first year that I won't be able to visit 'home' for Thanksgiving AND Christmas - every other year I've been able to go 'home' for at least one of those holidays.

But more than that - I just miss having my parents around. I wish they had more time with Raymond. They are soo good for him and vice versa! I loved having more people to just absolutely cover Raymond with love and to play and teach him in their own unique ways! It was just the best. All my relationships just seem to get stronger and better with age. My love for my parents increase every year - and the peace in my life increases every year. Life is good - God is so great I always say on my totsites.

I'll post pics from the visit with MomMom & Papa soon.

Hope you all had as wonderful as a week as we did - and that you are OVERFLOWING with the peace and joy of the season.

1 comment:

  1. To my other best blogger friend,
    :) Yeah I didnt mention to anyone about my bday...Michelle just happened to have known.
    Thanks for the bday wishes :) Dec 17 is my birth date. Hey, when's yours?? :)
    Glad to see you had a nice time with your parents! :)
    Love Candy
