Thursday, August 2, 2007


I have such a deep passion for music. Sometimes I say to God, "Father, was I meant to be a dancer, singer or performer and something got messed up?" I mean, music just deeply and truly touches me - singing, dancing, playing any sort of instrument. It just GETS ME. Touch isn't the word -- more like grab and capture.

I tend to love everything. and I'm one of those people that can just find beauty in a room full of rocks and pebbles. I love everything and can appreciate excellence in ANY field - BUT music gets me the deepest.

I remember a friend Travis telling me that when you have such a strong passion or emotion like that - it's usually a talent or calling that God is trying to bring out in you. But I've heard myself sing and I've seen myself dance --- and although I LOVE doing those things - I know it's not a joy for others around me haha. It's like in MY mind I can see what I'm doing and hear how I'm sounding - but it doesn't come out that way . So I can't really use them to glorify God in any way- except between Him and I.

The only thing I am remotely talented in with music is playing the piano. And I stopped studying that in high school. My piano from grandma that I received in 1992 is up in New Jersey - untouched. I can't wait to be able to play it again and play it seriously. I really do look forward to be able to have some creative outlet again. I look forward to time on the piano to just release... and to connect with God through the music.

I can't even express into words what I feel when I hear excellence in music. and to think that I was born almost 100% deaf until the doctors finally got it right the 3rd time I had the tubes put in! These new reality and talent shows (American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, etc.) have made dancing and singing "cool" again --- and I think it's incredible. I love when millions of people in the viewing audience see the beauty in a (clean instead of slutty) song or dance - they feel something in their SOUL reminding those liberal devil worshipers that we are more than a brain, heart, legs and arms. Who we are is our SOUL - something you can't see - we are not just our physical being. When we can convince these tree loving baby killing people this truth--- every argument will fall in place in the right direction after that.

(for the record, I realize that a lot of negative sleazy stuff is also shown on those TV shows -- God gives all talents -- and they can be used to glorify Him or for a weapon of the enemy... it's a CHOICE --- BUT even on secular TV shows, there are glimpses of excellence that really are a reflection of the glory of God and I recognize it)

THANK YOU GOD for music. Thank you for these wonderful ears to be able to hear these pieces of heaven around me. Thank you so much for giving me an appreciative heart. I love you and I love the beauty You have allowed us to experience in a world that is also filled with such pain, loss and evil.

We are off on the road again yet again Saturday morning (another wedding), when I get back I will be blogging all about our vacation last week in Rehoboth Beach with the Wolfe side of the family! YAY! :)


  1. Hi again. I know you weren't hurrying me. It was good for me to get out and run some errands - I was getting caught up in my little projects and not attending to everyday stuff that needed to get done.
    At today's exchange rate - postage for one bag = $7.35 (US), and bag = $19.76 (US).
    Thanks Randi.

  2. I agree with your comments about the love of music and dance. Singing to the Lord just takes you to a higher dimension.

  3. I love music too but I can't play the piano much and I can sing a bit :) and I suppose it is also the kind between God and I!
    Would be wonderful if you can pick up playing piano again! It is a wonderful instrument.
