Thursday, February 28, 2008
The reason I'm posting this is because her blog entry today cracked me up! It was some of her perspectives of America. I just think it's so interesting to hear what others think about America. I really enjoy meeting all kinds of people from all over the place and hearing their stories and how different their experiences are, yet how alike we are in some ways! Nothing excites me like meeting a new person and learning all about them! That is one of the reasons I have really enjoyed this new blogging adventure.
Anyway, here is her lovely blog....go check it out!
Isn't it cool to think how we each really do have our own very unique perspective? Nobody else will see the world at all just like we do.... nobody will have the exact same experiences....that's just neat to think about, to me at least.
I often tell Brandon that I wish I could step out of Randi just for a day and be somebody else and see what the general perception of Randi is. But then I realized - the perception of Randi is different for everybody. I don't even know if I'm making any sense --- but have you ever just wanted to be around you for a day but not be you and see how you're perceived by others? Maybe it's a silly stupid late night thought....
And with that I'll say goodnight blog! :)
My nephews - February 2008

loving on Papa
Warner Winter Wonderland - my fave pic!!!

MomMom & Hunter


WE LOVE YOU GUYS AND CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE YOU in 8 sleeps!!!!!!!!! :)
I also used to be a HORRIBLE cook and cleaner and organizer but I must admit I am pretty darn good at now! I love a challenge and love to learn new things - and from seeing all of my blog friend's creations - it has stirred something me that some day I really will be a good creator in something - but I just don't know what! My mother is INCREDIBLY talented in writing, and in watercolor especially. Her paintings are breathtaking and amazing. We always say she could open up a business - and she already has had so many offers on her paintings - but each one is so precious - she can't let it go! So she has always stretched me in this area also!
Right now where I'm at in my creativity is that I'm in the learning stage. I have no desire to start any new project or hobby at this point. I'm just soaking up all of your awesome blogs and creations and knowing that it is going in me somewhere! I really think what I've done with my house is very good for being my first home. It's simple and it's clean and it has an aura of joy and relaxation so for now that's good enough. Especially because I've had to work at it so I'm proud of how far I've come. I'm an athlete, I'm an outdoorsy physical person and I never really pictured myself to be a great homemaker - but then I met Brandon!! When I fell in love with him, I just really wanted to be the best wife ever for him!! I wanted to work on all areas of my life, what is seen and not seen, for him! Then I started to understand that everything I do is really an act of worship - so now I work on all parts of me for God above all else and it's been wonderful. I find joy in these things that just used to be...boring and pointless to me!
I know it's not a priority to our marriage by any means, but I want to create beauty to surround my hubby in! I really do dream of creating and doing more in my next home. This home and what we did with it was a great start and great practice - but I look forward to more creations in my future!
I really really love color. I love polka dots. I love stripes and flowers together. Which brings me to one of my favorite recent creations from "yall's" blogs is:
There is just something I really love about this ottoman. Great job Michelle!! :)
Another blog I like but have never commented on had a great idea for today - I love the "P" and frames. Very cool!
and of course my fave blog friend Candy: - ALL of her pictures/posts are beautiful! She just exudes beauty and creativity to me! :)
I have a lot of friends that are designers - my mother in law is part of what we call "the committee" - it's this group of ladies that are best friends and they create the most wonderful interior design I've seen. I wish they would blog some of the things they do. They throw the most incredible parties and their own homes and the ones they are paid to decorate are just awesome. So I've learned a lot from them.
I LOVE creations because I love processes. I LOVE seeing before and after of things! I know that somewhere in me there must be some creative talent that is just waiting to be found --- but for right now since my time management isn't that great, I will just stick to getting better at: working on the inner me by getting to know God and be more in tune with Him every day, working on the physical me by continuing to eat healthy and exercise 3 times a week (and someday I will learn how to dress cool and do makeup and hair but who knows when that will be haha), loving on my man, playing with Raymond (and we actually do a lot of creative things together so that has been a good teaching tool for me too), teaching Raymond, keeping my house clean, saving money, cooking, cleaning and playing the piano.
But when the time is right, I am going to go for it!! Thank you all for the influence you've had in my life! You challenge me which I LOVE! :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Mother's Love
SOOOO it comes to no surprise that I got 2 absolutely heart-touching cards full of words from my boys. One from Brandon and one from Raymond (translated into words by Brandon)!!! :)
They are both extremely beautiful and soul-reaching... Cards given to me MUST have EXTRA words written in them rather than just what is printed....and I just absolutely LOVED this card from Raymond....
Here's the outside (the verse reads, "The earth is full of His unfailing love." Psalm 33:5)

"God's light is so much
a part of a mother like you -
it shines through
your beautiful spirit,
brightening the lives
of everyone around you
and blessing your family's hearts
with your kindness and love.
On Valentine's Day
and always,
so thankful for the blessing
of you.
Have a Wonderful Day
Does God really love me so
much as to give me such a
wonderful mother as you?
Before we can even talk to each
other, you have shown me God's
love by the light in your eyes
when you smile at me.
Your nurturing spirit continues to bless
me and others know it by my smile."
Don't I have THE best little boy (husband!)!!! I post this not to pour light on myself - but for all mom's out there to know how absolutely CRUCIAL and important your role is!! Even if you don't feel appreciated, loved or whatever - you play such a *HUGE* role. Jesus says, the greatest server is the greatest leader --- and guess what - the way He has designed us makes us inherent servers - to want and to need to give of ourselves!
I absolutely 100% believe that a mother's love is the first example of Jesus to her beloved baby. This card is soo True and real to my heart - because I feel this love for my own mother. I always give so much credit to my special grandma to helping me grow closer to the Lord --- with her high standards, her faith, her daily devotion to Christ --- but as I've mentioned before - I had THE most incredible mom EVER.
And feeling and understanding her love for me was my first step to understanding Jesus. I can't even put into words the love and approval and acceptance and just lavish praise and encouragement I always felt (and still to this day! feel) from my mom aka "Mama" aka "Cita" aka "MomMom". I can believe Jesus' love for me and KNOW how secure I am in His love ---- and a big part of that is because I understood unconditional love, acceptance and approval from MomMom since I was born.
Does that mean people who weren't as blessed as I was... can't truly ever understand Jesus' love!? Absolutely NOT obviously.... but it means that I was able to understand Love (God) much quicker and much more real than if I didn't have MomMom.
I will always keep this card out somewhere I can easily reach a reminder of just how important of a role I play - and that even though Raymond can't necessarily love on me in my language --- I just have to believe he loves me like I love him and that I AM making a difference and pouring love on Him.
Mothers are one of God's best tools aren't they!?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Patrick Henry Hughes on ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition
I love the good this show has done -- but also how there's always a story of overcoming. Ty frequently uses words like character...integrity...and often, spirituality is mentioned. Tonight's episode was about Patrick Henry and his father. He has what would be considered to many, disabilities..but to him they are blessings. He is so positive and has such a wonderful attitude...he is RESILIENT. Meaning he finds purpose and meaning in the mist of the storm!!! His 'struggles' which he actually doesn't see as a handicap at all - have made him stronger. He said tonight his blindness was an advantage because he has true "sight" - he sees what is inside a person. He doesn't have the fight the battle that so many of us do -- to see beyond the physical. He lives in a different realm than most of us in that way. Here's the first video I was sent about this wonderful story:
This guy, Patrick Henry and his father are soo inspirational - ever since I saw them on the ESPY awards and then got this video and then heard they were going to be on Extreme Makeover Home Edition I have been looking forward to this!!
Here's the 2 videos from the ESPY awards:
We had a great weekend and again I have SOO much I want to blog/write about -- but I am going to go have some quality time with hubby so this is all I have for tonight. To read another great post on judging/labels (well it's kinda about that stuff -- anyway I just thought it was a good post haha) --- check out this entry on one of my fave blogs:
Friday, February 15, 2008
A bit about Wilmington
The National Trust for Historic Preservation has named Wilmington among its Dozen Distinctive Destinations. Each year starting in 2000, the National Trust for Historic Preservation has named a "Dozen Distinctive Destinations" appealing to tourists' taste for historic places. It recognizes American cities and towns that are committed to historic preservation and community revitalization. The National Trust said Wilmington has a charm and style dating back nearly three centuries. It has riverboats, battleships, grand old mansions, gardens, Civil War sites and historic museums.
So for those that have asked for a bit more about where I live --- there you go! :) It really is a neat little city we live in! :) [although technically I live in a suburb now]
and here's another entry about Wilmington that I wrote on my old blog!
That's all I have for today - I am still soo overflowing with words & thoughts - but just haven't gotten any of them down on the blog yet because we have had a such fun-filled and packed week so I haven't had a lot of time to write!
Hope everybody has a wonderful weekend! :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Valentines Day 2007

So much has changed since Valentine's 2007! These pictures were taken in our old house --- I can kind of remember what life was like during this time - but not really -- SO much has changed! We have been SO blessed the past year!!
In fact...I have been SO blessed my WHOLE life. I don't get it! I certainly don't deserve it but I have just always been extremely blessed....My life is so full of joy and passion and love and always has been!! Life is so good...God is SOO great. more tomorrow! :)
Monday, February 4, 2008
YAY Giants! SuperBowl 42 Champions!....and some thoughts on the Manning family and sports

My dad was so excited during this game and the suspenseful ending! What a great game!!! I think it was probably my favorite SuperBowl game I've ever watched - it was history in the making no matter who won. The win would either mean an undefeated season for the patriots, which some call a "perfect" season or Eli Manning would become the SuperBowl MVP, and quarterback of the SuperBowl Champions - a year after his brother Peyton Manning had accomplished the same feat!!! I think that is awesome isn't it!?!! More on the Manning family below....
on a side note....The New York Giants actually play in New Jersey.... the more east you go in New Jersey - the border between New York and New Jersey seems to be non existent! New York uses our land for their professional teams --- and they take claim over Ellis Island (where the Statue of Liberty rests) even though that is officially New Jersey's island! (yeap it's true! It's all over their license plates, licenses, state symbols, but "we" own it) but ANYWAY.... haha as usual, I digress...
I loved looking up these pictures of Eli Manning - the SuperBowl MVP 2008 ....and Peyton Manning - the SuperBowl MVP 2007!!! Like deja vu huh? Isn't that an awesome story!?
Eli Manning - 2008:

Peyton Manning - 2007:

I really love sports! I have been meaning to do a blog on that and I will eventually --- but really it's one of the only positive things left on T.V. in my opinion (although I love House, and watched last night after the game!)....I love that sports are the only true, reality T.V. there will ever be. Nobody knows the winner until it's over and nobody can predict all that will happen. I love the stories of the people in the games!! I love the history of each franchise. I love the universal success principles the players/teams must follow to win. I love that there's a winner and a loser, a black and a white!! I love there's no room for mediocrity and that they don't ever change any rules to accomodate weakness or to make it 'easier'. If you're not tough enough, skilled enough, you won't win. I love all the life lessons it teaches to us.
I don't know what Raymond will choose to do or what skills he will have - but my guess is that it will be sports related, since he will grow up in a house full of sports -- watching them, playing them, reading about them, learning about the players and the principles they have applied in their lives to be successful. If the "crap" (sorry) on t.v. keeps getting worse and worse - sports will be the ONLY thing he's allowed to watch!
Sometimes before we watch a game help get me fully interested instead of feeling I need to get up do laundry, do dishes, paint my nails, etc...Brandon will tell me a background story either of the team or a player, that will get me excited to watch the game - but this game he didn't need to do that. I knew the stories already so it was a great game to watch together!
I became intrigued by this family -- back to back SuperBowl champions and MVP's!! WOW! Can you imagine the pride that father must feel... the father (Archie) was also a professional football player. I would love to get a glimpse of what growing up in that family must have been like. What daily activities did they do all throughout their childhood to prepare for this? I wonder if back to back superbowl MVP's was in their dreams? Or was this victory WAY bigger than they could imagine? How many times did they feel their dream of being in the NFL was slipping away? What sort of struggles have they had to overcome? I bet they have a wonderful story - and I'd love to get a glimpse into it. I love winners!!! I will have to see if there's any books written about them!
Most people don't know there is another Manning - the oldest boy in the family. Cooper's dreams of being an NFL wide receiver were closed forever when he was diagnosed with spinal stenosis in 1992. I was thinking I wonder if he's jealous of his brothers...I wonder if his father still does a great job of showing him he's proud of him too... I wonder what his family relationships are like.....I wonder if he is negative ...or even talks to his brothers anymore? ....but then I found this article from 2004
and I realized DUH Randi! Of course he doesn't have a victim mentality!!! Success is not a genetic trait, it's taught/learned....and all 3 of these boys were taught to be winners! I really like this article.
I think the Mannings are wonderful leaders and examples - I will have to look up some more info on them!
They are wonderful examples of how to use universal success principles in our daily lives to be victorious, to overcome and perservere.
My favorite thing is that ALL success princples come straight from the Bible!! More on this to come!!! :)
Sunday, February 3, 2008

WOW! My brother Ryan turned 30 today! Happy Birthday Ry Ry!! (aka Uncle Ry Ry, Fnud, Lion, Ryan)
I don't know why but I can't believe Ryan is 30! It's just a number - and we aren't defined by our biological age -but it's just funny to think my brother is 30! That means I'll be 25 this year! That means my parents have a 30 year old! That sounds so weird to me haha I just don't picture my parents to be an age -- they just seem the age they've always been to me, no age at all really! Just them!
So in honor of Ry Ry's birthday, I thought I'd do a little blog entry on him:
My brother Ryan is a wonderful man. I know I'm the littlest sister so I'm a little biased... but I truly believe he's a wonderful person. He is a very passionate, inquisitive, intelligent, deep guy. He has very strong convictions and isn't afraid to debate or speak his mind. That being said, you can imagine how "fun" some of our adolescent years must have been with my brother the strong debater at the the outspoken passionate sanguine personality at the bottom ....and poor Roxie squeezed in the middle with her phlegmatic, lets all just get along personality!! haha
God has been very good to all of us over the years though. He has used time to heal all of our relationships. We love each other and have been able to embrace all our differences and really actually enjoy how unique and different we are from each toher. We have forgave & forgot the hurt we've caused each other in the past and it's a wonderful thing. Family relationships can be so hard can't they? Family sees us at our worst --- but it's been a blessing that each of us haven't kept each other down by defining each other by our past. We encourage change in each other and growth and believe that our past mistakes are not who we are.
The meaning of Ryan's middle name is Monroe, Gaelic like 'Ryan' and was chosen in honor of our grandfather PopPop. I know my brother is honored, humbled and very proud to be named after PopPop. and I know PopPop is extremely proud of the man Ryan is becoming. He is an extremely patriotic American, like PopPop and he loves tradition. He's a true gentleman, and I believe he's a part of a breed that is slowly diminishing in our culture. A breed of gentlemen that love God, country and family above all else. He understands politics and history like very few do anymore and holds more information in his brain then I think is possible for mine. He's so full of knowledge and just absorbs all he reads like a sponge.
It has been awesome to watch Ryan grow and choose different paths. My sister and I have looked up to him literally for our whole lives....I look up to him in many ways actually -- he's over 6'2" (right?) and my sister and I weren't given that gene at all haha so we've always looked up to him in many ways. I believe that years and years of grandma (and mom and dad) praying for us is very evident in Ryan's life and all he's been able to do and the decisions he's been able to make and all he has learned. I truly believe the 30's are going to be his best decade yet. I know God has a very special plan for him and someday he will make an absolutely wonderful husband, and maybe father, if God has that in the plan for his life. The love between Ryan and his nephews is not only evident -- but sweet. The boys all love Uncle Ry Ry -- and even Raymond who hasn't been around him a lot LOVES to repeat, "oonc wywy" anytime we're talking about him.
Ryan lives in Chicago now - with his girlfriend Katie and doggie Sadie. Who would have thunk it!? God is good all the time - and I know he is preparing Ryan for wonderful blessings.
Here are some of my fave pics of us & Ryan over the years:

Ry Ry and nephew Hunter (he was chunky then wasn't he!??! haha Easter 2006) a very special bond
Ry Ry meets Raymond - July 2006 - Raymond is fascinated isn't he haha
Uncle Ry Ry & Raymond November 2006 all smiles
Uncle Ry Ry & Hunter - July 2007
Ry Ry, Raymond, Brandon, MomMom, Hunter outside the Royal Treat on vacation July2007
all 'the kids' outside our favorite breakfast spot in Delaware - "Ry Ry", Hunter, "B", Randi, Raymond "Rox", "Bonesy", "RiffRaff" July 2007
My dad just texted me this picture and I had to add it onto the blog about RY Ry!!! HAHAHA this is hilarious to me. My parents are visiting my brother in Chicago for his birthday and they just took this pic and sent it to me! Each birthday growing up, we were allowed to pick where we went to dinner as a family and Ryan always picked Bonzai!! the hibachi Japanese steakhouse - and my dad and mom would always tell the waiters/waitresses it was his birthday - and they would come over to him with an ice cream with a candle in it just like this picture and go behind him and sing happy birthday to "Wyan" and then pull the arms out of his sockets in excitement and recognition of his birthday, "BONZAI!!! BONZAI!! BONZAI!!" HAHA great memories! I'm so glad Katie (Ryan's girlfriend) was able to now partake in the family tradition! That's awesome!