Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Mother's Love

Brandon and I usually don't go "all out" for Valentine's Day...maybe some day we will (like when we were dating) but in the past few years including this year, we have just made sure to over-love each other in our respective love languages. Really, now-a-days we are pretty bilingual and we have learned to speak and appreciate all the languages but we never forget the primary language!!! My primary love language is and always has been and will probably always be....WORDS! :) Anybody around me for some time could probably guess that. Words of affirmation/encouragement are my primary love language and also (I believe) one of the strongest, most definitive gifts I've been given.

SOOOO it comes to no surprise that I got 2 absolutely heart-touching cards full of words from my boys. One from Brandon and one from Raymond (translated into words by Brandon)!!! :)

They are both extremely beautiful and soul-reaching... Cards given to me MUST have EXTRA words written in them rather than just what is printed....and I just absolutely LOVED this card from Raymond....

Here's the outside (the verse reads, "The earth is full of His unfailing love." Psalm 33:5)
And the inside read,

"God's light is so much
a part of a mother like you -
it shines through
your beautiful spirit,
brightening the lives
of everyone around you
and blessing your family's hearts
with your kindness and love.

On Valentine's Day
and always,
so thankful for the blessing
of you.
Have a Wonderful Day

Does God really love me so
much as to give me such a
wonderful mother as you?
Before we can even talk to each
other, you have shown me God's
love by the light in your eyes
when you smile at me.
Your nurturing spirit continues to bless
me and others know it by my smile."

Don't I have THE best little boy (husband!)!!! I post this not to pour light on myself - but for all mom's out there to know how absolutely CRUCIAL and important your role is!! Even if you don't feel appreciated, loved or whatever - you play such a *HUGE* role. Jesus says, the greatest server is the greatest leader --- and guess what - the way He has designed us makes us inherent servers - to want and to need to give of ourselves!

I absolutely 100% believe that a mother's love is the first example of Jesus to her beloved baby. This card is soo True and real to my heart - because I feel this love for my own mother. I always give so much credit to my special grandma to helping me grow closer to the Lord --- with her high standards, her faith, her daily devotion to Christ --- but as I've mentioned before - I had THE most incredible mom EVER.

And feeling and understanding her love for me was my first step to understanding Jesus. I can't even put into words the love and approval and acceptance and just lavish praise and encouragement I always felt (and still to this day! feel) from my mom aka "Mama" aka "Cita" aka "MomMom". I can believe Jesus' love for me and KNOW how secure I am in His love ---- and a big part of that is because I understood unconditional love, acceptance and approval from MomMom since I was born.

Does that mean people who weren't as blessed as I was... can't truly ever understand Jesus' love!? Absolutely NOT obviously.... but it means that I was able to understand Love (God) much quicker and much more real than if I didn't have MomMom.

I will always keep this card out somewhere I can easily reach it....as a reminder of just how important of a role I play - and that even though Raymond can't necessarily love on me in my language --- I just have to believe he loves me like I love him and that I AM making a difference and pouring love on Him.

Mothers are one of God's best tools aren't they!?


  1. Aww, very precious Randi :)

    And yes, Mothers are one of Gods best tools :)


  2. This is so good and a wonderful reminder to us mom's that we must love our children as Jesus does. I so long for my children to feel the unconditional love and acceptance that you have know from your MomMom. This is something that I didn't experience, and it left me very insecure. So, I want to give this kind of Jesus love to my children. Thank you for the encouragement and reminder.
