WOW! My brother Ryan turned 30 today! Happy Birthday Ry Ry!! (aka Uncle Ry Ry, Fnud, Lion, Ryan)
I don't know why but I can't believe Ryan is 30! It's just a number - and we aren't defined by our biological age -but it's just funny to think my brother is 30! That means I'll be 25 this year! That means my parents have a 30 year old! That sounds so weird to me haha I just don't picture my parents to be an age -- they just seem the age they've always been to me, no age at all really! Just them!
So in honor of Ry Ry's birthday, I thought I'd do a little blog entry on him:
My brother Ryan is a wonderful man. I know I'm the littlest sister so I'm a little biased... but I truly believe he's a wonderful person. He is a very passionate, inquisitive, intelligent, deep guy. He has very strong convictions and isn't afraid to debate or speak his mind. That being said, you can imagine how "fun" some of our adolescent years must have been with my brother the strong debater at the top...me the outspoken passionate sanguine personality at the bottom ....and poor Roxie squeezed in the middle with her phlegmatic, lets all just get along personality!! haha
God has been very good to all of us over the years though. He has used time to heal all of our relationships. We love each other and have been able to embrace all our differences and really actually enjoy how unique and different we are from each toher. We have forgave & forgot the hurt we've caused each other in the past and it's a wonderful thing. Family relationships can be so hard can't they? Family sees us at our worst --- but it's been a blessing that each of us haven't kept each other down by defining each other by our past. We encourage change in each other and growth and believe that our past mistakes are not who we are.
The meaning of Ryan's middle name is Monroe, Gaelic like 'Ryan' and was chosen in honor of our grandfather PopPop. I know my brother is honored, humbled and very proud to be named after PopPop. and I know PopPop is extremely proud of the man Ryan is becoming. He is an extremely patriotic American, like PopPop and he loves tradition. He's a true gentleman, and I believe he's a part of a breed that is slowly diminishing in our culture. A breed of gentlemen that love God, country and family above all else. He understands politics and history like very few do anymore and holds more information in his brain then I think is possible for mine. He's so full of knowledge and just absorbs all he reads like a sponge.
It has been awesome to watch Ryan grow and choose different paths. My sister and I have looked up to him literally for our whole lives....I look up to him in many ways actually -- he's over 6'2" (right?) and my sister and I weren't given that gene at all haha so we've always looked up to him in many ways. I believe that years and years of grandma (and mom and dad) praying for us is very evident in Ryan's life and all he's been able to do and the decisions he's been able to make and all he has learned. I truly believe the 30's are going to be his best decade yet. I know God has a very special plan for him and someday he will make an absolutely wonderful husband, and maybe father, if God has that in the plan for his life. The love between Ryan and his nephews is not only evident -- but sweet. The boys all love Uncle Ry Ry -- and even Raymond who hasn't been around him a lot LOVES to repeat, "oonc wywy" anytime we're talking about him.
Ryan lives in Chicago now - with his girlfriend Katie and doggie Sadie. Who would have thunk it!? God is good all the time - and I know he is preparing Ryan for wonderful blessings.
Here are some of my fave pics of us & Ryan over the years:

If Roxie was taller than me, it would be so funny because she'd be the exact mixture of Ryan and I. He is tall has dark, thick hair....I am short with blonde fine hair....Roxie has brownish blonde hair, a mixture of our colors, hers is thicker than mine but thinner than his...but her height ruined that sequence because she's the shortest!! haha

Ry Ry and nephew Hunter (he was chunky then wasn't he!??! haha Easter 2006) a very special bond
Ry Ry meets Raymond - July 2006 - Raymond is fascinated isn't he haha
Uncle Ry Ry & Raymond November 2006 all smiles
Uncle Ry Ry & Hunter - July 2007
Ry Ry, Raymond, Brandon, MomMom, Hunter outside the Royal Treat on vacation July2007
all 'the kids' outside our favorite breakfast spot in Delaware - "Ry Ry", Hunter, "B", Randi, Raymond "Rox", "Bonesy", "RiffRaff" July 2007
My dad just texted me this picture and I had to add it onto the blog about RY Ry!!! HAHAHA this is hilarious to me. My parents are visiting my brother in Chicago for his birthday and they just took this pic and sent it to me! Each birthday growing up, we were allowed to pick where we went to dinner as a family and Ryan always picked Bonzai!! the hibachi Japanese steakhouse - and my dad and mom would always tell the waiters/waitresses it was his birthday - and they would come over to him with an ice cream with a candle in it just like this picture and go behind him and sing happy birthday to "Wyan" and then pull the arms out of his sockets in excitement and recognition of his birthday, "BONZAI!!! BONZAI!! BONZAI!!" HAHA great memories! I'm so glad Katie (Ryan's girlfriend) was able to now partake in the family tradition! That's awesome!
Aw, what a nice post about your bother :) Loved the pictures :)