Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday 13 - # 2

Thirteen Things I do every single day of my life with NO exceptions:
(to sort of play off Melanie's Thursday 13 from last week) ....
sort of in chronological order but not really

1. Talk to God the first moment I wake up
2. Have 1 cup of coffee
3. Sing songs (with Raymond I sing "This is the day" and the "good morning to you" MomMom song....also "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" and "ABC's").....right now the songs I've been singing just me to God are"Because He Lives"....lots of KLove songs.... "How great thou art" and "Blessed Assurance"
4. Call MomMom (numerous times a day)
5. Make sure to go outside every single day at least for a few minutes (cuz MomMom says to)
6. Shower
7. Pray
8. Read (Bible, blogs, books, just SOMETHING)
9. Drink Water
10. Eat
11. Snuggle with Brandon at night (if we're not together - we snuggle in our imagination!)
12. Talk to Brandon about our days
13. put on pajamas and go night night :)
*** it's actually kind of hard to think of 13
things I absolutely do every single day without exception! Because I had to take into account vacation, trips, days I'm sick, weekends, this is the list of things I do without ANY exceptions***

HAHAHAH and I just had to update this in response to Karen's comments -- you crack me up CareBear.......Yes I guess I DO do more than these 13 things listed -- I just didn't want to write down some things hehehe I'm sure ther eare others things I do every day also -- like brush my teeth!!!!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. Hey lady...don't you ever pee? hee hee
    I'll post my 13 this evening.

  2. Sounds a lot like my day! Good stuff..there is ALWAYS laundry here..with no exceptions! :)

  3. Just had to give you a hard time! ;) You know me...bladders have been on my mind for awhile now! :P
