I really know God has a sense of humor. and He really talks to me through nature. Usually He speaks to me through sunsets, beauty, etc.....but I am realizing He gives me signs through other things too..... Yesterday when I was having such a negative day. Negative attitude, bad day at work the night before, woke up late, Raymond was cranky with me, the bike broke, the vacuum belt broke, and on and on and on hahaha I said to myself, "I swear if one more thing happens..." and RIGHT when I said that...as always - I saw A BUG!! AHHHH....you've GOT to be kidding me!!! The irony of this situation won't make sense without reading my old blog entry from last year.
I shared some of my wildlife fiascos last October --- see link below -- and talked about these "bugs".... I just couldn't believe I saw a bug in this new townhome. I keep it so so clean and take care of it so it was just a God thing. I had literally not a "bug" since we moved out of our old house!! so over a year ago! But as always, when I'm having the worst day imaginable and as soon as I think to myself, "if any other little straw happens it will break my back".... as soon as I say that - I see a bug! A huge bug was on Raymond's shoe in the living room! The chances of this happening are so rare I just knew it was no coincidence. I got such joy out of smashing the heck out of that thing and putting it in the disposal. and then God and I just laughed.... He told me to chill out and breathe hehehehe :) So that was yesterday
And today...I made a fool of myself which actually happens quite often. There are always lots of workers around here - we live in a new development and they are doing construction on the new houses about 3 miles down our road in the development. And today they were actually lining our roads - so they were all out back. Raymond and Lennox and I were just enjoying this BEAUTIFUL weather outside. But all of a sudden I saw the hugest bug that I have seen since August of last year. I don't know what in the WORLD these bugs are. But they look like a moth/grasshopper but HUGE. They camouflage into whatever they are on. I asked around and nobody knows what they are. August 2007 one was on my screen and camouflaged black & white....and today there was one on Raymond's wagon, on the wood part and it was brown!
It was camoflouged on the wagon and just HUGE. so I planned my attack. I knew from my experience with these bugs as big as a small bird, that they fly and leap quick and long, so I was afraid to open the screen door for fear he would make it inside my house. So I grabbed the nearest weapon - Raymond's watering can and threw it! I definitely injured the bug but not fatally. He flew onto the siding, next to the screen. I picked up hubby's grill brush from his grill. and took a stab at him with that - and cut the screen !! NOOO Just a small cut - but so upsetting nonetheless - after this mess, I had to put a small piece of tape over that cut, so it won't get bigger.
But the bug still was alive! All of a sudden he jumped toward me and I just totally freaked. I am not necessarily scared of nature - I love nature --- but I kill bugs if I don't know what they are, or if I just don't like the way they look. but I am REALLY scared of nature being ON me. see old blog entry. I just don't like when I don't know where something is. Something being on me without me knowing it creeps me out. So I am just going nuts. Jumping, screaming, shaking off my clothes/hair. Lennox is looking at me with a confused look, Raymond thinks I'm starting a dance party so he is clapping and dancing and I'm just not finding any humor in this situation at all yet.... but then I see the bug and I'm calm again. He's in the grass and so I start throwing random toys and things at it to make it leave. Right when I ran out of ammunition, I hear Lennox's paws hitting the ground and I realize I wasn't watching him and he is now running down the street after Shadow a friend from down the road. He'll never run after something if I say, "no" he's a great dog -- but I wasn't looking to say, "no" and Shadow is his best friend! SO AHhhh now I am carrying Raymond (35 pounds) in one arm as best I can while running after Lennox and embarassingly having to pass the roadworkers who are absolutely cracking up at my dancing & screaming and antics to get this bug away from my house.
I'm so glad I don't take myself seriously and that I'm able to laugh at myself.
So I just smiled at the workers and laughed with them. I told them I was okay when they asked, and then I moved on! :) I'm so glad I could make their day. :) So after that, we went to the park, which was of course empty as predicted - even though it's like 78 degrees out today, sunny, beautiful Carolina blue skies!!!.....
I fixed our bike! yay! and then I even had time to hang this in our bedroom above our computer.

So despite my circumstances, I am at peace! :)
Great Picture! I am not a huge bug fan either ~ and I found out our little "creek" out back has gators..yes..A.l.l.i.g.a.t.o.r Ew!