After Melanie had that post about Sense & Sensibility --- about a week later I got a free movie from MovieGallery, yay!!, so that is the movie I rented out! Brandon watched it with me (sort of --- I think he might have been watching it through his eyelids hehe) and I LOVED it. I can't believe I had never read it or seen the movie.
Also on my To Do list was to get new slippers - and when I went up to New Jersey my mama got me some and they are so so comfy!! :) Why do I share a picture of my slippers and Raymond's cute little foot next to me? I dont' know :) but there they are!!

BUT this is what I really wanted to post...
I get silly when I'm overtired - and the night after I watched Sense & Sensibility I was up really late. I started thinking about how I loved all the characters in that movie. The women were just soo femine, so ladylike, so pretty and sweet and just seemed so gentle to me! A type of woman that seems to be disappearing (I know many are fighting fiercly to keep this "type" around --- but it just SEEMS like they are disappearing). The social rules were just so much different "back then"'s amazing to me how much has changed in the past century --- yet Truth is timeless and beauty will remain forever.
ANYWAY I digress as usual..... so all of a sudden just before I drifted into lala land I had this giant giggle come out.... Brandon fearfully asked, "uh oh - what has popped into your mind" hahaha.. "FORKS!" I said.."I just had the funniest thought!" and I explained to him that I had this image from the movie pop into my mind. One of the scenes where the girls were having lunch - they were so delicate even while eating...and all of a sudden as I saw this scene in my mind... my mind said, WAIT a second - I think that the way they used their forks is the way we are "supposed" to use them! They used the tines (is that what they are called?) to stab the food and then with the curve going toward their mouth - gently place the food in. That is why the curve is faced the way it is! to fit into the mouth - not to use as a shovel...WOW! Little lightbulb went off! I knew some knife/fork etiquette "rules" but I never knew the direction to hold the fork like this!
AHH does everybody know this except me!??! Am I correct in thinking that we all use forks the wrong way? How silly! Am I the only one who didn't know this? and it took me 24.5 years to figure this out!? haha I'm sure relatives on my mom side knew this (the southern side of my family haha) but I don't remember anybody teaching me!! What a funny little thing to think about. Brandon just went back to sleep leaving me to fall asleep in my giggles. We people really are funny! :)
LOL ~ you crack me up! I love your slippers and I am so happy you enjoyed the favorite!! Now you need to see Pride and Prejudice!! (if you have not!)
ReplyDeleteI think they are using their forks wrong and we are using them right. LOL. Love the mommy feet and baby feet pix.
ReplyDeleteHello there. I think my computer works in spells when it comes to your blog site. I noticed only certain blogs I have a hard time making comments. Sometimes it takes a long time to load up.
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, I must comment on your post for today b/c it's funny. My mind race around like yours and I would burst out laughing. The only difference your husband asks what's on your mind and laugh. My on the other hand thinks I'm loco and asks, "Girl, what's wrong with you?!?" LOL
As for the forks thing, I thought they were mainly use to help you get your food off the plate easier compare to the spoon. But for me, I prefer finger foods. I can depend on my trusty index finger and thumb to grab hold and pop it my mouth and chew. If that's ghetto, then just call me Ghetto Fabulous!! LOL
Stay Bless, Sweetie!! And Blog On!!!
Thanks ladies! :) I replied to you all on email/blogs
ReplyDeletebut Melanie -- NO I haven't seen pride & prejudice yet!!! another one to add to the list! :)
Thanks ladies! :) I replied to you all on email/blogs
ReplyDeletebut Melanie -- NO I haven't seen pride & prejudice yet!!! another one to add to the list! :)
As a born and bred southerner...from a born and bred southern grandmother...I was taught to always keep the fork tines facing downward and to keep the fork in your hand as long as you intend to eat. Once you are finished, then you may place your fork (tines down) on the plate and your napkin to the left of the plate. Of course I don't do that...but that is what I was told "proper southern ladies do" when eating in mixed company. (Oh, and we were never allowed to cross our legs, just our ankles in mixed company too)