Monday, June 30, 2008

More thoughts on Love, Parents, Seeds

I have really had a great time visiting my parents so far. This trip hasn't been so much about getting Raymond to have time with them --- it's really been about serving them and me getting time with them. Raymond has had a great time playing too --- but this trip I came up here to be used. There's a lot of role reversal and changing happening in our family and I am thoroughly enjoying encouraging, guiding and helping my parents.

I know I talk about them and my grandparents a lot - but I am just so extremely blessed with them. As each year passes, they seem to get more and more important to me. It's harder and harder to live farther away from them. I feel so appreciative and un-deserving of them. I want to be with them more! I want Raymond to be with them more!

I had a great childhood full of love, joy, adventures, security and excitement. My first impressions of God were formed through my parents and grandparents. My mom's unconditional love, acceptance and non-stop servititude.... and the security I felt in my daddy's love... His decisions to do what was right - even if *I* didn't feel they were right. He did what was right for me and in the long term I see that. He wasn't always concerned about how I 'felt' or if I agreed with him, or liked the decisions.... he was more concerned about setting the right example, doing what was morally right, and my long term health and success. Combined, my parents were a great foundation for me to start my relationship with God.

I know not everybody has such blessed experiences with their parents ---- and it shouldn't be discouraging if your parents were not that foundation. God stands and knocks at our souls and plants seeds in us through so many differnet people and ways. Whether it's your parents or not --- I hope we all thank God for whoever was willing to be used to plant good seeds in us.

Who are you planting seeds in? or I should say.... for whom are you allowing God to work through you for? Are you helping people get one step closer to realizing just how much they are loved? Only your immediate family? Maybe another way to say it is, who do you show christ-like love to? Your children? Your enemies? Your neighbors? People you have hurt in the past? People who have hurt you? Your church family?

In a generation and world full of absent and worldly parents --- we need more planters. We need to be planters to more than just our immediate family. Who around you needs some seeds of approval? love? encouragement? acceptance? grace? forgiveness? hope? I pray that all of us get to know God more and more intimately every day and just allow Him to fill us up so we can go plant seeds in others. The best thing we can do for this world is to get closer to God. I pray that God helps me understand His love for me more and more. I have found that the more I understand and comprehend and try to fathom His love for me --- my love to others becomes more and more radical. He increases my capacity to love so much!

We must allow Him to do His work through us. He is building up His army and He needs workers. It's not about 'doing' more, finding more hobbies, sending out more gifts, visiting more friends, signing up for more ministries, becoming a missionary..... it's about abiding in Him and allowing Him to fill you up so that you can be a planter. All the things I listed MIGHT be what He calls you to do --- but the abiding comes first.

Loving on others doesn't originate in ourselves and in some sort of habit or action --- true and lasting love that changes people comes from an overflow of our hearts that is a result of spending time with God, listening, being still and letting Him lavish us with a love that is always overly abundant!

That's all my thoughts for tonight. I love you all!!! :)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Raymond loves Trucks

The truck corner of MomMom and Papa's house has been Raymond's favorite so far. He's having so much fun that he doesn't want to stop to do anything else (like eat!) He just wants to play with trucks in this spot...or play with trucks in the sand box. The boy is obsessed hehe :)

Raymond loves to throw anything

Papa bought 4 different kinds of balls for the boys - I'll show more pictures of that later - of the balls scattered everywhere. This is Raymond's favorite one though. He spins round and round and then this is a shot just after the release. We have had a lot of fun while we've been up here so far! Great healing therapy for Papa to watch his boys play and enjoy themselves so much.

Community Day

Raymond & Hunter enjoying corn & hot dogs at Community Day @ Lake Shawnee

Community Day - Lake Shawnee

Christian at Community Day. They were all so zoned out haha. You should have seen me dragging them around. I was pulling the wagon and pushing the stroller with one hand each keeping them busy and moving while MomMom talked and got food/drinks/etc. I bet people who saw me that didn't get a chance to talk to us were thinking geesh did she have triplets? It was fun though - the boys were so so well behaved for me and let me catch up with friends while they stuffed their faces. It was a good weekend

Pregnant again?

To answer all your questions about those pictures and my side of the family.... I'd like to answer them here rather than via separate emails........

Yes those boys are both my sister's boys. Hunter is 8 months older than Raymond - Christian is 8 months younger than Raymond.

Yes my sister IS pregnant again - she is having a GIRL this time! She is due in October.

So yes that means she will have 3 children under the age of 3.

and finally the most frequently asked question...No :) I am not pregnant and no I don't have any plans to be any time soon. I didn't plan when I'd have my first baby and I don't plan on planning on when to have any others...that was a funny sentence haha.

I would be happy whatever God chooses for our life. I am totally content if God's plan is "just" for me, B, and Raymond. I am totally content if God wants me to have 1 or 3 or 5 others :) We'll see what He says. I love babies and I LOVE being a mom and always thought I'd have a huge family - but God knows what I can or can't handle and knows what's best for me.

So basically---- no, I don't have any 'nudges' yet to have another baby :) I can't even tell you how many times I've been asked that in the past month. Especially when I tell people I stay home full time. And especially now that I'm seeing friends from Jersey who see me with Roxie's boys and Raymond - they wonder if I will follow in her footsteps. It was so so great to go down to the lake Community Day yesterday and see all our old friends - everybody was so so excited to meet Raymond and it was so so great to see friends that were just little children the last time I saw them that are now so grown up and beautiful. Raymond loved "aunt" Lisa so much - my best friend for 15+ years - she is so great with kids. Anyway - I could talk forever about what has been going on up here but I don't have time right now!

My point of this post was just to answer questions quickly ----

God knows what He is doing and I look forward to seeing the plans He has in store for us. Jeremiah 29:11

love you all. Everything is so so so great here - tell you more soon! :)

Friday, June 27, 2008

"Hey Guys" from up North

or "hey yall" from down South. Just wanted to come by and let you all know we are doing so so great. Papa is doing SO good. I am SO proud of my family and we just want to give all credit for God for all the good He has been doing in our lives and continues too. We feel so blessed in so many ways and just feel so grateful. Please continue to pray for us and papa's road to 100% recovery.

We have had a great time up here the past 2 days - our flight was so easy and the best one yet. The plane was awesome and Raymond did real good. I haven't been back up here to Lake Shawnee where I grew up - in the summertime - in what feels like FOREVER. I LOVE it here during summer time; but it's sad in a way too - so much of what I remember is long gone and the innocence of what I knew growing up, seems to be covered with so much else. Am I getting old or what?

Tomorrow morning we're going to go watch my first lake swim meet since I swam my last race in 2001. Anyway, there is so much more to say, just wanted to let you all know we are doing great and are SO thankful for your prayers. God bless you all too. Love you :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Headed to New Jersey

I am extremely excited to go see my side of the family in New Jersey. I am looking forward to being able to give back to my parents and serve them for a change. My plan is to spend the days with Roxie & the boys, bring lunch to mama at the hospital and give her a break while I sit with Papa, clean my parent's house, and cook dinner and have it waiting for my mama at night. I don't know how much longer my dad will be in the hospital - it just depends on his swallowing. They are doing more tests to see how the swallow and speech therapist can help more. Please continue your prayers for them.

Sometimes I feel so so guilty that I'm going through such a great phase of my life and my mom and dad are going through a rough patch and are probably so stressed and just totally worn out in so many areas.

I am really not looking forward to being away from Brandon for so long though. It's about 2 weeks and a few days - but like I was telling Liz - I just have to be thankful we are not separated by a war, an ocean, etc. with no contact like so many families are.

To leave with Brandon - I wrote him a love letter for every day we'll be gone from each other. I am hiding them in my drawer right now - I will leave them on the counter when we leave REALLY early Thursday morning for the airport.

They are poems, words, just my thoughts of love to him/for him. I hope he is blessed by them. They are all sealed with a little seal that says, "love" and labeled with the date he is to open them. can you tell I love him? Can you tell one of my primary love languages is words? :)

So anyway --- will you all pray for this time of separation for us? Will you pray for my dad and mom? Will you please pray for the flights up there with just raymond and me. I'm so nervous for that. Any advice for plane flights with a 2 year old would be great. I'm going to get him up at like 4 tomorrow morning - hop in the car - let him sleep (we pray) in the car - then let him run a bit when we get there - and then let him be awake for the flight. I have a new activity book, a new book, snacks and water of course.

Thank you all so much - I'm sure I'll be blogging during down time up keep in touch. Love you all!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Quick Homemaking Post

My first day as a full time mom/homemaker yesterday was awesome. It literally was one of my most fun days ever. I was so calm and relaxed and joyful to not have the stress of having to go to work, work around schedules, have other things on my mind (us women can't compartmentalize information like our men - all areas of our lives flow into all areas ya know).....therefore Raymond who always feeds off of my attitude/mood was so so joyful too. And today is the same.

Life is going to be so much different now. I mean, I'm an extremely positive and happy and joyful person --- but it's just increased so much more now!! I LOVE the flow of the day now. I do my chores in the afternoon after nap and before dada gets home - and raymond is the BEST helper. HE LOVES helping me with laundry, vacuuming, everything.
The day also had it's share of tantrums and struggles --- but mommy is the boss and I just didn't put up with any foolishness and then it was over and we were off to play! :)

Monday was dusting and I tried to get him to help - I couldn't find my dusting glove, so I just used Brandon's old shirt but raymond wasn' interested - but he was sooo cute. He picked out 2 books and just carried them and stayed at my feet while I cleaned. In the midst of cleaning spilled food off my nice dining room chair - that looked stuck on there for weeks - I had an emotional breakdown. A wave of thankfulness and just complete and utter gratitude for my life, for Raymond, for everything came over me and I just felt God's presence so much. What a sweet moment --- my dream come true - to be home when my husband got home to a clean, peaceful, joyful house!!!!! Today was vacuuming and cleaning out fridge and he helped with those too. I am so blessed.

Yesterday was also brandon's birthday. We had already celebrated this weekend - but for an extra bonus, raymond and i walked to CVS and bought him his favorite - Reese's cups and let him blow out candles again. Yes we are extremely frugal right now and low maintenance :)

God is awesome, life is good.

Monday, June 23, 2008

First Day Of My New Venture

Although there's been many days I have been home all day long and I was even a stay at home mom when Raymond was first born.......

today is my first day in my role as full time mom and wifey!!!! All I feel right now is thankfulness. Thankfulness for God providing, for a great husband that wants me to be home and understands the importance of this 'job', for my dad's health - I could go on and on. I am just so in love with God and thank Him so much for His grace.

He cares so much about me - every tear, every pain, every hurt, every time I bite my tongue, every time I continue to love others that reject or hurt me, every small decision I make that nobody else sees - He does. He pays attention to ALL of my day! I know He will give me purpose and meaning in every day. I can't wait to see what comes out of this new stage of my life.

As far as homemaking --- Mondays I decided is dusting day. So that's my goal for around the house today! I mostly use a glove like this - I like that glove!
God bless you all and thanks for inspiring me and encouraging me in this role! I'm free to be me!!!

Raymond and I Friday night getting ice cream downtown celebrating my last day at work. Couldn't get him to look at dada - there was a trolley!! Should have taken a picture in front of the river - but we forgot to take a picture until we were here - at the parking lot.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Update on Papa - Sunday afternoon

Yes! He can swallow Melanie! Thank you GOD SOO MUCH!!! We all feel so so grateful. My dad realizes how blessed he is and has always been ...and we all just feel so thankful!!

Today he swallowed some soup, pureed eggs and ice cream! So little by little he is getting there! He is working on keeping up his strength doing exercises in his room. The doctors say he will be able to go home in a few weeks - once he can swallow a good amount of food....and they say that he should be back to swallowing all foods in 6 - 12 months depending on progress.

My parents have always taught me to be thankful and not to take anything for granted and this is one of those times when I am proud to say my parents are showing me once again through their actions not only their words the lessons they always taught us. I am so proud of my mom and dad and their attitudes right now and how they are pulling through this together. I am looking forward to getting up their Thursday to help them out around the house, and to give my mama a break from the hospital and to spend time with my sis Roxie with my 2 nephews as well.

We had such a great sermon at church today --- it was all about just how much God loves us. PK just kept stressing to us that if ONLY we would let God in daily, if only we'd soak up HIs words to us and spend time with Him... we'd realize that HE is ALL that matters - that life is not about us....and ALL the stuff we do, quibble about, worry about, etc. are so so meaningless compared to Him and they are nothing to spend time thinking about! A great lesson and SOO relevant to my week!!!

We have a HUGE storm coming here so I'm gonna get going. Love you all and thanks again for your prayers!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Thank you so much for your prayers!! Thank God for great reports from the doctors today!!

My dad is making great progress already!! They say all his arteries and veins look great --- thank God he cares about his health a lot and works out in the gym 5+ days a week!!! I was so worried the stroke was a sign of something worse going on but they say his heart and alll look great!

The stroke was caused by trauma to that area of the brainstem/neck --- most likely from his work down at New Orleans where he did a lot of painting of ceilings and just holding his head in a certain position that he usually doesn't for such an extended period of time. It's going to take a while for the swallowing/eating and there are scary complications we have to watch for --- but thank God it wasn't worse! The neurologist said this is so rare - in 35 years he's only seen about 12 cases like this.

I'm so happy for him that he will still be able to enjoy golf and that it hasn't affected his strength or vision or anything! The man loves golf! :) I am also excited that he'll be able to enjoy vacation -- all of us just want him to be healthy and home - we don't care about vacation or golf at this point -- but he was looking forward to vacation so much so I'm happy for him!!!

So praise God for healing and for awesome news from the doctor! Makes you want to go out and exercise and take care of what you've been given!! :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Update on Papa

Update # 5 - 10:55pm

The neurologist still had not come when mom left. I am extremely worried now. Dad is in complete denial and doesn't want mom to tell anybody, but basically we believe it was a "mini stroke". He would kill her and me for even mentioning the word.... but he can't swallow and all the symptoms I looked up point to stroke. I am not handling this very well. I feel so bad for my dad. I wish I was up there to be with them. I can't go through this again. Brain sicknesses scare me - I watched grandma suffer through it and I don't want to have anybody in my family have to suffer the same way. Once you have a 'mini' stroke you are so susceptible to more. What is wrong with our diets that these "glitches" happen in our brain? Everybody talks about omega 3's fish oils --- I wonder if there's truth to how good they are for our mental health. My dad is in such great shape for an almost 60 year old. He works out literally EVERY day.

I literally just can not do this again. I was down here during my grandma's whole sickness and I will not make that mistake again. I want to go 'home' so bad. I think it's time for me to leave my job and to pack up Raymond and just go. Please pray for papa and me and the whole family please. I believe.

Update # 4 - 9:05pm

The reason he can't swallow is something to do with the brain. Neurologist is coming to read the MRI. Continuous prayers please. I'm so stressed - it's not been the greatest day - but I believe God is at work in ALL areas of my life! He is good.

Update # 3

Papa is getting transported to a different hospital for even more testing. He still can't swallow at all and now all the steroids/antibiotics and no nourishment for 5 days is making him have really bad shakes and nervousness and high blood pressure. They are not sure what is going on still.

I am stressed and I am worried yet I know worry does anything. I believe God is at work. Thanks for your prayers!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

what's your outlet?

When I feel stressed, when I'm hurting, when I am upset sometimes I just need peace and quiet - I need to be still and cry on my floor and read the Bible...

but sometimes...I need to go to the gym and wear off some steam. I love exercise and activity. I love everything about physical recreation. I am so thankful that Brandon loves recreation too - we are each other's best buddies in that way. We have tried everything together and have a lot more on our list that we want to try...running, tennis, snowboarding, surfing, sailing, fishing, walking, bike riding, rowing, basketball, baseball, ultimate frisbee, rowing, weightlifting.

The great thing about having an outlet like this --- is that is allows us to bond or it gives us quiet time with God, it helps us clear our thoughts, it gets out so much stress from our body (exercise releases endorphines - and endorphines make you happy hehe) and it keeps us looking good for each other. My goal is to get a 6 pack of abs --- right now I'm at a in 2 rolls of fat :) hehehe

So I want to know -- what are some of YOUR outlets!??!

Thankfulness & Physical

I have so much sin in me that I need to help (maybe allow is a better word?) God to work out of me...but I know there is one thing I have been blessed with and that is thankfulness. I believe I am extremely appreciative of what I have. This post from Melanie was something I think about a LOT. The reason I'm thinking about this today is because of this health issue with my papa. Any time you go through physical struggles it's so hard - and it makes you appreciate the little things - being able to talk, walk, ear, see.

It took God years to work this issue out of me - but I am finally learning to love all parts of me - including my physical. The theme of what I have been learning in all areas of my life seems to be to focus on the good. To be thankful for what you have and to do what you can with what you have in this moment. I am so thankful for my healthy body. I am finally thankful for my larger-than-I'd-like thighs, my puffy cheeks and ghetto booty, my hair that isn't the fullest in the world and I could go on and on about things about me that are not my ideal physique hehe but those are enough examples. Having a sister that is so gorgeous, was homecoming queen and even picked to be part of Miss New Jersey (but she declined) sort of didn't help my issues with my physical beauty because in my immaturity I always compared myself to others which is something I know God has healed in me as well.

The biggest turning point was in 2003 when hubby and I were at Walt Disney World (we were interns there). We used to go golfing on our days off and on this day in February (I think it was February?) I had a horrible shot and went down the hill to get my ball. It was Brandon's turn - we were almost at the end of the 18 holes, it was so hot and he was like Randi I'm gonna go ahead and hit it. I was standing way to the left of him and looking at his back but SOMEHOW when he hit that ball he shanked it so bad (and he's a good golfer - he NEVER does this) that it came straight at me - 100 or so feet away and I got it right in the cheek. My big puffy cheek that I sure am thankful had a lot of padding on it :)

After a plastic surgeon pieced me back together --- my cheek was so so ugly when I smiled. The scar cut my cheek in half from right near the corner of my eye & nose diagonal cutting across my face, cutting my cheek in a diagonal. It was ugly. Brandon branded me :) BUT praise God and thank God for mederma it is really hard to see right now. If I pull my skin, it is really obvious but it's basically invisible now. BUT during that healing process that took a good year - I kept asking God to PLEASE heal me and not take away my smile. I LOVE to smile and know it's one way God allows people to open up to me so I can allow Him to plant good into their lives. I was so upset that this scar was making me feel so insecure about smiling. I told Him that I would NEVER again complain about my physical appearance. I would be thankful for all parts of me and thankful for my health. What a selfish request it was and how stupid to bargain with God like that but He answered it anyway. How graceful He is.

And I have to admit, I have been really really good at keeping this promise. Whenever I hear myself muttering about my body, parts of me that I wish were different --- I force myself to speak out loud - THANK YOU God for my beautiful body. Thank you for allowing me to see, hear and walk. I couldn't ask for anything more. and I ask Him to above all else help me focus on my inner beauty - the beauty He brings, the lasting beauty.

I still love to make sure I'm taking care of my body to stay attractive for my hubby and to take care of what I've given, but I sure am thankful God taught me this lesson. And He also does an awesome job of reminding me how blessed I am to be healthy and how blessed I am to have the qualities He has given me. He reminds me in so many ways that many people in this world would do anything for what I have been given.
Part of being okay with me was being able to look at pictures of me and not think ewwww.. so here are some pictures I took of me the past 2 weeks to send to my hubby while he's at work.
Soooo do I look 25 now!?!! :) I've been 25 for 2 days! :)


Brandon & I decided to cut out our cable, so we'll only have the regular 12 channels. 5 years ago that wouldn't have been an option in our minds. We lived way better in college than we do now. in Brandon's bachelor pad, he had surround sound, huge screen, tons of music, tons of movies, all the channels, lots of couches. I also had a great set up at my house but not as good as his. Our parents were so extremely generous to pay for all our college tuition and board if we would just do well in school. So we both worked, just to have fun money. But those times are long gone :)

We have a ton of reasons for doing this - but one of them is that our providers TV package when up in price AGAIN. So we cut out everything except those 12 channels and we joined NetFlix for $5 a month. We are just going to get movies through there and watch them instead of whatever junk we flipped past on TV.

My idea is that we watch EVERY Movie of the Year Academy Award Winner from the 1920's and on.... which will take us forever since we really only sit and watch TV/movies together 2 nights a week. But, I haven't totally convinced Brandon of that yet.

BUT there are some cute movies that we watched recently I wanted to promote

Enchanted - I loved it! I love Disney so much. Literally I have been talking to Brandon about how they need to make a cartoon into a real life for years and they finally did it! I actually wanted them to do the exact same scenes and everything as Cinderella but just do real life characters - but Enchanted was awesome too! I can so relate to this character :)

Bee Movie - another cute one

Cars - Raymond's favorite movie EVER. He calls it, "trucks". and I LOVE it too. One of my top 10 movies ever actually! I don't think I would have loved it so much except that I have experienced the south now - so I totally "get" the different characters. Mater cracks me up --- I meet real life Maters all the time hehe :) we are always doing impersonations and lines from this movie around the house haha

So anyway, there's an idea for anybody wanting to have an extra $100 a month!

Update on Papa - 2

For right now, this is what they are treating my dad for and it MIGHT be what he has going on:

weird stuff --- you just have to thank God for all the vaccines we have right now. There is so much "junk" out there ewwww

He is doing okay though - still can't swallow but it looks like they will not have surgery - right now they are waiting for tests back from his chest and diaphram (spelling?) and esophagus (spelling?) x-rays.

It's a beautifully sunny day here in North Carolina and I have off again today - so we're gonna go to the pool or beach, I haven't decided which. That is one of the hardest parts about being away from home. I feel guilty for having such wonderful fun days when one of my loved ones is suffering, ya know?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Update on Papa

Just wanted to let you all know we appreciate your prayers. The abcess has gone down a bit. Signs of shrinking are a really good thing. They still don't know what the heck it is or why he has such bad hiccups but they're doing lots of tests to solve the mystery. He is doing okay for not being able to swallow or talk well - at least Tiger Woods is on again today - to give him something to do. Thanks again for your prayers! :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day & Birthday Weekend Recap

Happy Father's Day to my one and only, "Mr B". I feel so blessed and honored that God chose us to walk together through our life journey. I really could not ask for a better father for my child(ren). We bought him a card, a devotional for fathers that I heard about through Beth Moore's blog, a cute little golden book for Raymond and him to read together "I Love you, Daddy", the picture below of the 2 of them at the pool that I took one day that he hadn't seen before AND his favorite present that he has been asking for, for months.... the Perfect Pushup thingies.

Happy Father's day to my dad, "Daddy Cat" as I call him. I wrote him a card in "real life" and he doesn't read my blog anyway haha so I am not going to express how absolutely AWESOME he is and how blessed I am/was to have him for my daddy anymore that this sentence here. And yes by the way I love nicknames and seem to call everybody something that nobody else calls them --- I get that from my dad!

I hope you all will pray for my dad though aka Papa. He was admitted to the hospital yesterday (happy father's day for him ---- not) because he can't swallow. He has sleep apnea problems and what appears to be allergies/throat issues - but when he finally just could NOT swallow anymore at 2 am on Saturday - he woke up my mom and said he wanted her to sit with him until 9am when the urgent care opened. Why he didn't go straight to the hospital I have no idea....well I DO have an idea - but in the spirit of Father's Day I'll keep my opinions to myself hehe. ANYWAY --- urgent care sent to him straight to the hospital of course. and after testing we were happy to know it wasn't a stroke or seizure or anything that is making it literally impossible to swallow. It's weird how sometimes I feel things are about to happen right before they do. I have been able to tell 2 of my friends they were pregnant before even THEY knew and I have spoiled the secret for many of my friends/relatives. I just get these feelings. on saturday morning I bolted awake at 6am for no reason at all. and called mom right at 7:30 when I knew she'd be awake and it was weird for her to tell me right away something was up - I just KNEW it.

BUT the point they are at right now is that they believe he can't swallow because his tongue is EXTREMELY swollen and he has an abscess (spelling?) in the back of his throat/tongue --- they have an infectious diseases doctor looking at him - they believe he has a bacterial infection worsened by his other throat issues. He MIGHT have picked up something up 2 weeks ago when he was in New Orleans doing rebuilding effort help for victims of Katrina. I feel so bad for him - it must be scary for him to not be able to breathe easily, and not swallow at all (therefore no eating or drinking)...this is especially hard for my father who is one of the strongest, healthiest, confident people I know. I have never ever ever seen him "knocked" down in my 25 years - and I don't like seeing it. I was able to hear his voice for a little today - but he sounded so horrible - can barely talk at all. I know sitting in the hospital must be so hard....I know being his nurse must be hard too. He refuses to put on a gown and he isn't being very cooperative about sitting in bed - he keeps unplugging himself and going for strolls. he was still with it enough though to make sure to grab the phone from my mom and wish me a Happy Birthday. but oh boy.... my poor mama.

So anyway - I absolutely know that he's a fast healer and this will be over and done with but I just feel so bad for him right now.

My mom cancelled her flight today to come see us. She was coming to play with us for 10 days for my birthday and Brandon's birthday.....but I'd rather her be with Papa of course. but whenever plans change like that it's disappionting but it will be okay! I just have to work out some babysitting though for the next 10 week days because mom was gonna do it since my babysitter's last day was Friday - and I retire on July 8th!!!!

But anyway again - please prayer for PapaWolfe/DaddyCat/BigRon

As far as my birthday...... I can't believe I'm 25. But age to me is really so insignificant. I've never acted or done anything appropriate for my age likel society tells me to. not that I'm rebelling but just because in many ways I feel so much more mature than my peers ---and in some ways I still feel like I'm 7! :)
For my Birthday, Brandon took me to Red Lobster and had gamma watch raymond and he let me eat a WHOLE lobster all by myself! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE lobster! :) It was so good. And they even brought me vanilla ice cream with caramel and a candle! Another one of my absolute faves!!
but shhhhh don't tell anybody from Wilmington/home that I went 2 hours in land to visit my relatives and went to Red Lobster! It's so wrong to live right on the coast and then go IN land to get lobster from a chain --- AHHH! :) At work Friday they bought me a cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.. WOW it was good. But I definitely gained 5 pounds this weekend that I'll have to work off this week hehehe. But it was worth every wonderful morsel! :)

I hope you all had a great weekend - don't forget to pray for PapaWolfe. Love you all and I'm praying for you all as well.

Friday, June 13, 2008

random pictures post

I wanted to post some pictures since I haven't in a few posts. So here ya go:

another version of my Mother's day picture --- another example of how I can't get all of us looking & smiling --- oh well! :)
Raymond & lennox in background
again - the brothers :)

mama & baby :)

how frustrating is it to never have ANY pictures of "all" of us!? This is the best we have gotten all month! AHHHHHHHHHHHH what a horrible picture!! haha

I love this pic of my boys - look at those smiles -- ahhh God is good :)

Enjoy your weekends! We are headed out of town to celebrate Father's Day (and my birthday shhhh) :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Homemaking Post

Well Candy - to answer your question from like months ago hehe - I have no idea what my style is. I like everything ...that's my problem. I was thinking I would like a shabby chic house/ romantic like you..... BUT without even realizing it, my house is formal and traditional ?? Not at all shabby chic!!!

I have no idea what my style is called. The only furniture I actually have bought in my home is my dining room and matching china cabinet....everything else has been given or passed down to us and they are all beautifully traditional pieces. We have a LOT of southern gorgeous pieces. Lots of cherry dark wood. So YES I LOVE beachy/romantic style and my one bathroom is definitely like that - but the rest of the house is not beachy/shabby chic AT ALL.

I wish I knew my style better. I love woods, antiques, southern well crafted pieces. Everything we have is cherry like I said. I like big chunky pieces with beautiful wood detail.... and I LOVE color!!! I like stripes & flowers together. Polka dots and flowers! I love fabrics...
Soooo I have no idea what my style is but maybe by my first actual house we buy, I will have an idea of what it's called. haha

anyway - just wanted to do a homemaking post to show you our new bedroom stuff.... MomMom when she was year last month bought us new bedding and curtains and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. It's just what I wanted. Blue/Green with gold, yellow, brown flowers. It's the first window treatments we have in this house! :)

sorry it's so wrinkly - this pic was taken the first day I had JUST put the covering on the pillow - it's not so wrinkly anymore :)
here's my side of the family on our vacation 2006 - the colors in this photo match the tones of the bedding. I love the colors in this photo in person - sunsets are my fave! So gorgeous! :)

I look forward to working on my homemaking more after I come home full time in july - and then especially when we buy our next home! I want to work on my cooking, cleaning, decorating, everything!! and I'll need a lot of help so I hope you all will be ready to give it! :) This picture was taken a while ago of my fridge but I thought you all would enjoy it. Sorry for such random silly magnets! hehehehe :) Today the countdown is actually down to 18 more days!!!! :)
and here's how I recently decorated my master bath....those figurines were in Raymond's room but I moved them in here. Those were given to us for mother's and father's day when we were pregnant, they are so precious. and I love having those flowers in that gorgeous little vase in here. The vase is so so pretty - I should have taken an up close of the vase. Another wedding gift.

so there you go!!! A Homemaking post!!! :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

I thank God....

.....for air conditiong!
.....for beaches (the ocean)!
.....for our pool!

but really though - what did those southern ladies do before A.C.???? No wonder they were always fainting - when I see old pictures or watch movies depicting life years ago - I just want to say - geez ladies, take off some clothes maybe you won't be so weak and faint so frequently! :)
I would have been a radical liberal lady if I lived back in the day - you'd find me in my pantaloons (spelling) down at the creek or the nearest body of water :)
Hope you all are having a great day!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008



Lennox even got a card in the mail, I was so touched!!!! :)

Well you all are going to KNOW for sure how much of a nut I am now if you had any doubts before!! :) but....

I remember the first time I saw him at Brandon's place (did you all know that is how Brandon lured me in, hook line and sinker haha telling me he had a new puppy). I uploaded these pictures I had so I wouldn't lose them if our computer crashed again, and decided to make a little slideshow of our boy in honor of his 7 wonderful years.

I am so so thankful for him and can't imagine a better dog than him. He's so soulful and caring and loyal! He has the best facial expressions ever - I think because of how soulful his eyes are and also his eyebrows - he has those 2 light brown eyebrows and he is just so expressive!! I don't ever want another dog because none will compare with him. I can't describe how much he's been through with us, seen and experienced with us! He is a lucky dog and we are the luckiest family to have him. he is so human-like and just the best. Everybody who really knows him and spends a good amount of time with us is just so impressed with him. Although it is NOT a joy cleaning up his hair all the time hehehe... he is worth it!

So yeap I'm a nut and made a slideshow with music and all! There is one picture for every year of his life (in human years) ---- at the end are some family pictures that you all have never scene so check them out! :) Some of the pics are real blurry because they got messed up over the years with different file types...but you'll get the idea, the majority are not blurry. If the slideshow below doesn't here:

Monday, June 2, 2008

She's baaaackkk :)

Hey dear blog & blog friends! :)

I am happy to be back! Our broadband card technically isn't here yet (Fedex tried to deliver today when I was at the chiropractor) but I'm "borrowing" somebody else's internet until tonight when Brandon picks up the card!

I am so thankful to say that I feel great. The bruise is gone from the back of my knee (but the bump is still there so I am going to ask the chiropractor about that tomorrow because I forgot to ask today) and my pulled muscles in my neck feel so much better! Oh yeah by the way - I pulled muscles in my neck really really bad on Thursday morning and was doing pretty bad for about 48 hours. It happens about once a year. My muscees basically cramp from being totally exhausted and I can't move my head at all for 2 days. I had tendinitis in my shoulder and the chiropractor says I just have a lot of muscle mass that girls don't typically naturally have - because of swimming for so long (should I be offended or happy abuot that? hehe) - so they just get tight fast and it pulls my spine out of line. I need to stretch a lot better especially because Raymond is 30+ pounds of heaviness and loves to throw himself around and have a fit in mommy's arms. BUT all that being said - I am going to the chiropractor (massage therapist) 6 times in the next 2 weeks and I should be 100%! :) The X Rays were crazy to see -- it's amazing how out of line my spine was because of silly muscles - the human body is so amazing isn't it?!!

Sooo what else is going on?! Well we're doing great! We are LOVING this hot weather - going to the pool and beach a lot!
Don't you love these goldy-locks :)

While I was "out" because of my neck, Brandon took care of Raymond and I got to lay out! Good stuff! :)

On our way home from Costco we got to watch this barge go under the bridge and we all enjoyed that!!

And 2 pieces of exciting news!!!!

I have a new niece - born yesterday! Brandon's next oldest brother Chris had another (his 3rd) baby girl....her name is Cylie Reigns Rooks

and I found out my sister is having a GIRL in October!!! How exciting!! I am really really happy it's a girl! She will have 3 under the age of 3 AHHHH! :) I am so so happy for them. So in October I will have ELEVEN nephews and nieces - all under 8 except for one! WOW! I can't wait to find out her name! :)

On another note -- has anybody heard from Toia?! I am concerned about her. Love yall! Much more to come! I have some exciting news to share soon! And also have some thoughts on prayer, church, and parenting, etc. etc. that I'd like to share. And also want to post some of the homemaking things I've been up to! but I am going to keep a great balance and not be "around here" every day! :) Keep me accountable to that. Do you know for a while there I was even reading blogs first thing in the morning instead of spending time with God and reading His word.... not good! I won't get to that point again. God first, family second, all else 3rd :)