Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pregnant again?

To answer all your questions about those pictures and my side of the family.... I'd like to answer them here rather than via separate emails........

Yes those boys are both my sister's boys. Hunter is 8 months older than Raymond - Christian is 8 months younger than Raymond.

Yes my sister IS pregnant again - she is having a GIRL this time! She is due in October.

So yes that means she will have 3 children under the age of 3.

and finally the most frequently asked question...No :) I am not pregnant and no I don't have any plans to be any time soon. I didn't plan when I'd have my first baby and I don't plan on planning on when to have any others...that was a funny sentence haha.

I would be happy whatever God chooses for our life. I am totally content if God's plan is "just" for me, B, and Raymond. I am totally content if God wants me to have 1 or 3 or 5 others :) We'll see what He says. I love babies and I LOVE being a mom and always thought I'd have a huge family - but God knows what I can or can't handle and knows what's best for me.

So basically---- no, I don't have any 'nudges' yet to have another baby :) I can't even tell you how many times I've been asked that in the past month. Especially when I tell people I stay home full time. And especially now that I'm seeing friends from Jersey who see me with Roxie's boys and Raymond - they wonder if I will follow in her footsteps. It was so so great to go down to the lake Community Day yesterday and see all our old friends - everybody was so so excited to meet Raymond and it was so so great to see friends that were just little children the last time I saw them that are now so grown up and beautiful. Raymond loved "aunt" Lisa so much - my best friend for 15+ years - she is so great with kids. Anyway - I could talk forever about what has been going on up here but I don't have time right now!

My point of this post was just to answer questions quickly ----

God knows what He is doing and I look forward to seeing the plans He has in store for us. Jeremiah 29:11

love you all. Everything is so so so great here - tell you more soon! :)


  1. LOL ~ you are funny! I wasn't even thinking anything like that!

  2. I'm so excited for your sister and I bet the whole family is stoked to finally buy something pink too! :)
    People are already asking me when we are having another...mostly Ian's side and their wishes for a girl. I told them we have a girl - Downey! :)
    I think people just get excited hearing the news of babies and pregnancy that they forget themselves and over step that boundary of "none of your business - it's between me, my husband and our Father". ;)
