Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Update on Papa

Update # 5 - 10:55pm

The neurologist still had not come when mom left. I am extremely worried now. Dad is in complete denial and doesn't want mom to tell anybody, but basically we believe it was a "mini stroke". He would kill her and me for even mentioning the word.... but he can't swallow and all the symptoms I looked up point to stroke. I am not handling this very well. I feel so bad for my dad. I wish I was up there to be with them. I can't go through this again. Brain sicknesses scare me - I watched grandma suffer through it and I don't want to have anybody in my family have to suffer the same way. Once you have a 'mini' stroke you are so susceptible to more. What is wrong with our diets that these "glitches" happen in our brain? Everybody talks about omega 3's fish oils --- I wonder if there's truth to how good they are for our mental health. My dad is in such great shape for an almost 60 year old. He works out literally EVERY day.

I literally just can not do this again. I was down here during my grandma's whole sickness and I will not make that mistake again. I want to go 'home' so bad. I think it's time for me to leave my job and to pack up Raymond and just go. Please pray for papa and me and the whole family please. I believe.

Update # 4 - 9:05pm

The reason he can't swallow is something to do with the brain. Neurologist is coming to read the MRI. Continuous prayers please. I'm so stressed - it's not been the greatest day - but I believe God is at work in ALL areas of my life! He is good.

Update # 3

Papa is getting transported to a different hospital for even more testing. He still can't swallow at all and now all the steroids/antibiotics and no nourishment for 5 days is making him have really bad shakes and nervousness and high blood pressure. They are not sure what is going on still.

I am stressed and I am worried yet I know worry does anything. I believe God is at work. Thanks for your prayers!


  1. I pray for him, and for you. God bless you all!

  2. I have him on my prayer request list and we have been praying for him. We will continue to. Hang in there and try n ot to worry..I know how hard that not worry! (Im a worrier myself)
    But God is in control.

    Love Candy
