Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What I love about Brandon --- Quality # 2

The second thing I want to write about Brandon is really connected to quality # 1. It's the fact that he does not complain. Yes he grumbles once in a while when he can't get the plastic off of a container of instant mashed potatoes, when he's hungry, hot or when Carolina is losing but really he NEVER complains except for these tiny little things! It is really rare for me to hear a negative word out of his mouth and the only times I have heard it, I'm usually the only one around. Again, he can protect his words, like quality # 1.

He has the ability to not let his circumstances govern the way he speaks. He definitely gets grumpy, just like every normal human being - but he doesn't utter the complaints he might be feeling in his heart.

I think about this quality because today he had to be at work at 7:30 am, deal with crap all day (the usual politics that come with having a corporate management position) and then come home at 4:30 just for enough time to feed Raymond, who doesn't like to eat dinner that much anymore for some reason and then leave the house again to go do a night project at work. When he has these night projects, he actually has to do the manual labor, unlike during the day when he's doing the brain labor. He'll have to work from 6pm to at least 1 am (IF it's an EASY project). Sometimes he'll come in at 3 - 4 am just to have to be at work the next morning! I can't imagine what I would be saying if I had to deal with a day like that. And he somehow is able to keep quiet. He does it for his God, he does it for his family. Sometimes, I wish that he WOULD grumble to me and let me share with his anger/sadness/frustration and just talk about how he's feeling and let me in on his emotions - but he protects me from that. He doesn't want me to be a part of his negative day, he just wants me to be the positive end and beginning of his day. and I am so thankful for that.

Thank GOD for a husband that doesn't complain. Thank you God for choosing somebody for me that is able to somehow separate himself from miserable situations and get through all kinds of 'crap' in a way that honors God and doesn't cause more misery for those around him. I love quality # 2 and am so thankful for it! :)

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