Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What I love about Brandon --- Quality # 3

The next quality about Brandon that I LOVE and am SO thankful for is his honesty! He is the most honest person I've ever met in my life. The man can't tell a lie. Which can be a curse and a blessing - as can be seen in the movie Liar Liar. Brandon is unlike any other man I've ever met in so many ways - but especially in this way --- he can't distort the truth. and we all know how much I LOVE truth!! I do! I love it! I think I love it so much because so few know the real truths!

But I digress..... Because of this trait, Brandon is a man I can count on, a man of integrity. He's my rock - the one I can go to when I'm really ready to confront the truth. When I'm not ready for the truth, I just go to him for comfort and love (and just don't ask for advice!). And imagine this -- if I don't ask for advice he doesn't give it! How amazing is that!? He says, "unasked for advice is criticism".

In the beginning of our relationship this quality in him was difficult for me to understand - I couldn't understand why when I told him a conflict or issue I was having and asked for his advice he told me things I didn't want to hear! He told me things that wouldn't make me feel better - he just answered my questions, plain and simple. He wasn't in puppy love just trying to impress me with his words like too many others had done before. He didn't tell me things just to make me feel better, "oh it can't be you. you wouldn't do something like that. it's not your fault. bla bla bla" .

When most men would simply lie to keep themselves out of trouble -- Brandon can't! So he's in trouble quite often. Actually I'm just kidding about that - he has a way with words. He has the amazing ability to step on my toes with the truth yet never scuff on my shoes (my ego). I can't describe how he does it but I love it! I am so thankful for it. He's the place I can go where I know I'm going to get the truth - whether I like it or not. He's my thermometer to tell me where I am at. Am I way off? Am I the one at fault? He sure will give me the information I need to find all that out. He has the ability to see things from all different perspectives and always shows me a side of things I would never see without him.

We share the trait of honesty in a way. I am never scared to speak the truth to somebody. If they ask me what I truly think - I am going to tell them. Unfortunately, I haven't mastered how to not be offensive. I am just an extremely passionate person that sometimes I miss the mark and I do scuff up the shoes of others. But at least I'm honest! I'd rather people be honest with me and for me to know the truth then for them to be fake and live in an existence that isn't real and is based on un-truth.

Without truth there is no trust --- without trust there is no relationship. The end. Thank GOD for Brandon, and this gift he was given to not tell a lie.

P.S. There have been a couple times in the past 6 years he has tried! And let me tell you ------ that left dimple shows so deep - I catch it from a mile away!

1 comment:

  1. "unasked for advice is criticism".
    That is so good. How very blessed you and your son are to have a husband and father with the 2 qualities you've posted so far. Few and far between - sad to say.
